Dual Layer safety labels are simple and effective seals to secure the boxes, packages, doors, tanks, etc. Designed and produced to restrained and to highlight any attempted violation of these "seals", they will show a clear message "OPENED" on both the label and the surface if they are removed.
Each tag is unique in series - under the label area - to prevent fraudulent substitution (deletion, substitution) and to allow the recording in a database.
Message violation is done in a secure format. The label is made "in-register" that is, each label is designed in an unique format.
The label made from a semi-transparent material so a new label can not be pasted over the old warning message "OPENED".
Label Layer Dual Lock ™ is also available in transparent to visible UV violation message.
Labels are available in three standard variants.
Labels can be personalized according to customer requirements - the warning message, logo, color, mode of insertion.
Series are in a standard format "encrypted" and this allows multiple tests: batch, production date, the person responsible. Series are stored both in the database of manufacturers (UK) and in our database over a long period (7 years), according to UK rules of evidence of special products.